What is Fascia and why does it matter?

The fascial tissue is equally distributed throughout the entire body, enveloping, interacting with, and permeating blood vessels, nerves, viscera, meninges, bones, muscles, blood, and lymph; creating various layers at different depths and forming a 3-dimensional metabolic and mechanical matrix. The fascia becomes an organ that can affect an individual’s health.

A tensegrity structure is stabilized by the balance of a constant tension and by the presence of a discontinuous compression. There is a large influence on improving the quality of the fascia; and that’s by bringing balance to the biotensegrity model in which our bodies work. This is best achieved through the facilitation of the neurological system while creating tensions throughout the fascial chains in order to improve the fascia’s ability to slide and respond both superficially and at the deeper levels. This is where ELDOAs and Myofascial Stretches are most successful in the treatment and remodeling of the fascia. These self normalization techniques restore the functionality as well as the quality of this omnidirectional matrix.

Strolling under the Skin

Check this out! Even if you can only watch for a few minutes, you will get an accurate visual of what is really going on under your skin and see how fascia works! This will help you better understand why it is so important and how it is the main operating system that allows your body to function as a whole living organism.


Myofascial Stretching is one of the safest and most effective ways to create space and balance in the body. This technique of stretching, perfected and taught by Guy VOYER DO, is extremely advanced because of its specificity to correct the body’s tensegrity through the fascial chains and its solicitation of the nervous system.
Body Imbalances


All muscles are wrapped in an aponeurotic sleeve and connected with each other through numerous fasciae. Everyone knows about muscle stretching; however, it is difficult to stretch a muscle if it is wrapped in a leathery sleeve that does not give. It is better to consider each muscle as links in chains extending throughout the length of the entire body. The goal of every Myofascial stretch is to put into tension the fascia that encases the muscles in order to normalize the length and function of the fascial chains. It is also important to respect the direction of the fibers and encourage the sliding of the fascia around and between the muscles. When you do Myofascial stretches, you correct structural imbalances and release tension across the joints which helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

The flexibility gains from Myofascial stretches can help improve your joint mobility, and overall health. As the quality of your tissue improves with the stimulus created by the Myofascial Stretches, you’ll find that you have better posture, greater range of motion, that you are able to perform tasks with greater ease, and you’ll suffer fewer injuries.
ELDOA postures are very specific compared to other techniques. Disc compression existing at any level of the spine can be addressed through a specific ELDOA exercise. If a client experiences pain because of compression between the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral, the de-coaptation position should target this exact level and not the one above or below.


All muscles are wrapped in an aponeurotic sleeve and connected with each other through numerous fasciae. Everyone knows about muscle stretching; however, it is difficult to stretch a muscle if it is wrapped in a leathery sleeve that does not give. It is better to consider each muscle as links in chains extending throughout the length of the entire body. The goal of every Myofascial stretch is to put into tension the fascia that encases the muscles in order to normalize the length and function of the fascial chains. It is also important to respect the direction of the fibers and encourage the sliding of the fascia around and between the muscles. When you do Myofascial stretches, you correct structural imbalances and release tension across the joints which helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

The flexibility gains from Myofascial stretches can help improve your joint mobility, and overall health. As the quality of your tissue improves with the stimulus created by the Myofascial Stretches, you’ll find that you have better posture, greater range of motion, that you are able to perform tasks with greater ease, and you’ll suffer fewer injuries.
ELDOA postures are very specific compared to other techniques. Disc compression existing at any level of the spine can be addressed through a specific ELDOA exercise. If a client experiences pain because of compression between the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral, the de-coaptation position should target this exact level and not the one above or below.

What are ELDOA Exercises?
ELDOA (Étirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Ostéo Articulaire), or more easily translated to Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretching, is a revolutionary technique created by World renowned Osteopath Dr. Guy VOYER.
What are ELDOA Exercises?

ELDOA (Étirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Ostéo Articulaire), or more easily translated to Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretching, is a revolutionary technique created by World renowned Osteopath Dr. Guy VOYER.

How do ELDOA Exercises help you?
ELDOAs are postural self-normalizing techniques designed for widening the space within a chosen articulation. This is accomplished by creating fascial tension to fix the vertebra below and contraction in extreme range to normalize the vertebra above the targeted disc. For example, it is possible in one minute a day to relieve disc compression between T6-T7 or even more specifically at the base of the long arm of the left sacroiliac joint. Dr. VOYER developed an ELDOA exercise for every articulation in the spine starting at the base of the skull and ending with the sacro-illiac joint. It is possible to create more room in a particular articulation with an exact position adapted to each person.

ELDOA postures are very specific compared to other techniques. Disc compression existing at any level of the spine can be addressed through a specific ELDOA exercise. If a client experiences pain because of compression between the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral, the de-coaptation position should target this exact level and not the one above or below.

Who can benefit from coaching with Nikki


When carrying a heavy training load on the body combined with highly repetitive movements, it’s only a matter of time before your body begins to break down and your performance suffers. If you’re an athlete and ready to step up your game, Nikki can give you a cutting edge training program to speed up recovery, heal nagging pain, increase your power and improve endurance. With these proven techniques, you will continue to thrive successfully in your sport for many years to come.

Working Professionals and Students

The repetitive use of computers, smartphones, tablets and even backpacks have de-volved the body into a forward head posture. The exercises and lifestyle modifications from Nikki will help to re-establish your gravity line and correct your posture by strengthening the muscles of your core, back, and spine. You will experience tension relief throughout the body in chronically tight and over used muscles.

Aging Spines and Joints

Fighting gravity is a lifelong endeavour! Your strength and well-being can be restored, improved and maintained with the proper implementation of physical exercises and lifestyle modifications. It is never too late to start! You will feel younger, taller, and more resilient with your personalized tools from Nikki.


There are many causes for scoliosis including a congenital predisposition. This is why, in many countries, children are often screened for the condition in school. Any degree of scoliosis that a child has that is left untreated will potentially increase throughout their developing years and become permanent when they reach adulthood. Because ELDOAs are exercises that simultaneously work to strengthen, educate and realign all of the fascial connections in relation to the spine, there can be remarkable improvement found in the correction of scoliosis for both children and adults when performed as part of a daily routine.

Pre and Post-Surgical Patients

If you are suffering from or have recurring bouts of joint and spine pain caused by injuries, over use, stress and poor movement patterns, working with Nikki can help. Her approach can alleviate your symptoms by addressing the source of the problem instead of merely treating the symptoms and chasing pain. Implementing her tools with the appropriate adaptations will help to decompress your joints and reinforce ideal posture so you can help re-establish a healthy body.



Nikki fixes people. That’s what she does. Plain and simple. I showed up a broken athlete. I was strong in some areas but weak, imbalanced and in pain in others. In just a matter of only a few months, Nikki helped guide me through complete transformation both of my mind and my body. Now, not only am I a stronger and more balanced athlete physically, I am also a smarter athlete, having been armed with the knowledge to take my game to the next level.

R. Orlando

Cyclist and Race Car Driver

Nikki is amazing! She is clearly very knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with. She is fantastic at assessing the body and asking questions to properly determine what my needs are. I appreciate her individualized approach and attention to detail. I can tell she is invested in my success. I’m so grateful to have found her!


Student, Naropa University

Nikki is an incredible coach! I’ve worked with a lot of practitioners over the years and her knowledge, intuition, presence, and professionalism is the best I’ve encountered. I began seeing and feeling positive changes in my pain body, physical body, and psyche within a week after starting to work with Nikki. I appreciate her ability to tune into what’s really happening internally, meeting the client where they are, and pushing just the right amount!
M. Burlingame

Super Mom and Entrepreneur

Nikki is always evolving her thinking. She pushes me, introduces new things and figures out the puzzle to keep me healthy and strong. I’m an intricate puzzle and she has figured out how to first make me work again, and now how to keep me working.


Cyclist and Entrepreneur

Nikki has been helping me with my low back issues. I have been making more progress with her combination of exercises and stretches than any other option I have tried. I have done PT, massage, Rolfing, a personal trainer, chiropractic, yoga, and stem cells, all of which helped some, but not as much as the progress I have had with Nikki.

E. Bader

Fire Fighter


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